Specialist books, general magazines and catalogues on temporary exhibits.

One important area of the Clos Archaeological Foundation is publications: Specialist books, general magazines and catalogues on temporary exhibits. The Foundation has the collection of specialist monographs on different themes of ancient Egypt.

Most recent titles:
(Esther Pons, 208)
Egipturas (Gemma Artasu, 2007)
Egyptian gardens and gods (Xavier de Lara, 2005)
A military history of Egypt during the XVIII dynasty (Javier Martínez Babón, 2003)
Winged ladies of ancient Egypt (Maria José López Grande, 2003)
The Golden Mummy. The return to life (Núria Castro, 2003)
The black pharaohs (various authors, 2001)
Cultures of the Nile Valley (publication by Maria José López Grande, 2000)
A thousand miles up the Nile (publication by Rosa Pujol, 2000)
Pharaohs of Egypt, kings of Israel (Alexandre Herrero Pardo, 1999)

Other monographic publications are the Archaeological Routes in Egypt, where readers can travel across the country from south to north using the archaeological information on each of its archaeological sites. 

The ArqueoClub magazine provides the general public and a more specialist readership with information on cultural activities at the Clos Archaeological Foundation. 

Not to mention the serious of exhibit catalogues, for example:
Fashion and Beauty in Ancient Egypt (Elvira D’Amicone, 2011)
Pre-Columbian Funeral Art. The Passion of Tórtola Valencia (various writers, 2009)
Sarcophagi of Ancient Egypt (Elvira D’Amicone, 2009)
Roman Mosaics of Syria (Carles Buenacasa, 2006)
Jewellery of the Pharaohs (various writers, 2005)
Ladies of the Nile (various writers, 2004)
The Golden Mummy (Nuria Castro Jiménez, 2003)
Tutankhamen: Images of a Treasure below the Egyptian Desert (various writers, 1995; 2nd revised and expanded edition, 2004)

Including those that are not related to Egypt, such as The Secret of Tibet: Unveiling the rooftop civilization of the world (Josep Lluís Alai, 2000).

Anyone with an interest in finding publications of the Clos Foundation, together with an extensive supply of Egyptology literature, in the Museum Shop-Bookshop where, in addition, a section (Anticuaria) has been created the has a supply of old books, out-of-print publications and first editions.